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Each year we like to get the women folk together in the spring and the fall to reconnect, find friends (new and old) and try a new camp all while getting away from kiddos, hubby's and everyday stress.  Our weekend normally starts on a Friday afternoon and runs thru Sunday afternoon.  We have a group potluck and bonfire Saturday which is always a good time to try out the latest over the fire concoction!


Sometimes our group ride is only two or three women and other times we see 18-30!  It is always fun to see what everyone is ridding and hear stories of past rides.


Watch our Facebook page for the next Women's Ride weekend and join in on some good 'ol fashioned fun!


Even tho it started out wet, rainy and slightly cold we made the best of it!  Above are a few scenes from around camp.


It was damp, it was a little chilly.  In the end tho it was FUN!  We rode a few hours the first ride out.  Weather was beautiful in the woods and as an added bonus for putting up with a little rain, there was no bugs!

DAY 2-- Few gals left to enjoy the day.....and what a DAY!

We packed a lunch, unsure where the trail may take us but secretly we hoped it would lead to the lake.  We were rewarded with the most perfect ride and the lovely company of "The Gallopin Gals" lakeside to enjoy our lunch.  They were a group much like us who got together once or twice a year, only they were all on matching Tennessee Walkers and all past the young age of 65!


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